dombey(3) FreeBSD Library Functions Manual dombey(3) NAME dombey – Generic SCGI Application Server Library SYNOPSIS #include (-pthread) -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -ldombey(threads) -lcrypto DESCRIPTION Libdombey provides two generic SCGI application servers as libraries. The libraries handle network and concurrency tasks. You supply code to service connections. One library provides a multi-process server. The other library provides a multi-thread server. Both libraries service TCP or UNIX-domain connections. An bare bones example SCGI server is included in the dombey distribution, named test.c. The server can be linked against the multi-process and multi-thread libraries. USAGE The libraries provide your server's "main" function. You define 4 functions to match the following prototypes. void scgi_init_func(); void scgi_exit_func(); void scgi_worker_init_func(); void scgi_request_handler( FILE * ); Do not define any other global symbol beginning with the five characters ´scgi_' because dombey reserves that namespace. In the multi-process server, in low memory conditions, worker processes exit. In the multi-thread server, in low memory conditions, worker threads may drop connections or incompletely process parameter data. Consult /var/log/messages for error messages to confirm that low memory conditions are at fault. SCGI_REQUEST_HANDLER() One master process/thread grows and shrinks a pool of workers to service connections. Workers call scgi_request_handler() once to service each connection that they accept. Workers close connections when scgi_request_handler() returns. scgi_request_handler() is invoked with the FILE pointer of a buffered stream that is connected to the client. You use the standard buffered IO functions to send data to the client. If you wish to use non-buffered IO, use the fileno() function to determine the descriptor that is associated with the FILE pointer. Do not close the FILE pointer or its underlying descriptor, or you will crash your server. SCGI_INIT_FUNC() In scgi_init_func(), perform the initialization tasks your server needs to do once at server start-up before any workers are created. Dombey calls scgi_init_func(): • after changing to the directory specified by the -r command line option. • before attempting to change the server's user and group to the values specified by the command line options. If the server starts as root, scgi_init_func() executes as root. • before the server becomes a daemon and starts listening for connections. The standard streams are connected to the terminal from which the server was started. Error and informative messages should be sent to the terminal. SCGI_SET_STACK_SIZE() Threaded servers typically want small thread stacks. The system default is 2M. Set the stack size for thread servers with scgi_set_stack_size(). The function is only available in the thread library and can only be called from inside scgi_init_func(). int scgi_set_stack_size( int ); The function returns 0 on success and 1 on error. On error, an error message is printed to stderr. You must ensure that the kernal tunable kern.threads.max_threads_per_proc is set to a value appropriate for your server. The default value is 1500. The variable can be set at system start by putting an assignment into /etc/sysctl.conf. SCGI_EXIT_FUNC() If you have exit handlers you would like to register to run before the server exits, do not invoke atexit() from scgi_init_func(). If you do so, your handlers are run when the server becomes a daemon. The server forks to create a new session. The dying parent process calls your handlers when it exits. Instead, call your cleanup code from scgi_exit_func(). If you need to invoke worker-specific cleanup code in a multi-process server, you can install your cleanup handlers with atexit() inside scgi_worker_init_func(). If you need to invoke worker-specific cleanup code in a multi-thread server, you can call your cleanup code from the destructor functions of your thread-specific keys. SCGI_SET_NAME() To set the server's name, call scgi_set_name() inside scgi_init_func(). void scgi_set_name( char * ); If not set, the server's name defaults to "dombey". The server's name is used in two ways. • When a server is running, stderr is connected to /dev/null. Errors are reported with syslog(3). Dombey calls openlog() with the server's name to ensure log entries are identified by the server's name. • The server's pidfile is written to /var/run/ if the server is started as root. The filename is the server's name with ".pid" appended to it. This file is used by rc.d scripts to stop the server. A sample script is included in the dombey distribution. SCGI_SET_HOSTNAME() In scgi_init_func() you can set the hostname that your server recognizes with: void scgi_set_hostname( char * ); You only need to set the hostname if you want to perform cross-site request filtering. The function accepts a hostname as argument. If you want the server to take its hostname from the system hostname, pass NULL as the argument. Note that if dombey runs on a different host from the web server, dombey's hostname must be the hostname of the web server. This DOES NOT mean that the hostname of the system that your server runs on must be the same as the hostname that the web server runs on. The hostname that you set internally in your server with scgi_set_hostname() must be the web server's hostname. If the argument is NULL, and the system hostname is "localhost", dombey will set its hostname to the IPv4 loopback address: This enables you to test your website locally by accessing it through the loopback device. SCGI_CHECK_ORIGIN() Once dombey's hostname has been set in scgi_set_hostname(), you can perform cross-site request filtering with the aid of: int scgi_check_origin(); The function compares dombey's hostname to the hostname in the HTTP_ORIGIN, HTTP_REFERER, or HTTP_REFERRER environment variable. Dombey looks for these variables in that order and uses the first one that it finds defined. If dombey's hostname is not set, or if none of these variables is set, the function returns 1. If the hostname is set, and one of the variables is set, the function compares the server's hostname to the hostname in the variable. If the hostname matches the variable's hostname, the function returns 0. Otherwise, the function returns 1. The URLs in these variable's values must begin with "https://", or scgi_check_origin() returns 1. Modern browsers do not send HTTP_ORIGIN or HTTP_REFE(R)RER over insecure connections. Therefore, you can only perform cross-site request filtering on requests delivered over secure connections. If the hostname in these headers does not match dombey's hostname, and the LOCAL_ADDR environment variable is set (that is to say, your web server is prospero), dombey compares the address in LOCAL_ADDR with the hostname in HTTP_ORIGIN or HTTP_REFER(R)ER. If the address matches the hostname, scgi_check_origin() returns 0. Otherwise the function returns 1. SCGI_SET_PERIODIC() In scgi_init_func(), you can install a function for the master to invoke periodically with: void scgi_set_periodic( void (*)(), int ); Dombey calls the function pointed to by first argument when the number of seconds specified by the second argument have elapsed and then again repeatedly when that number of seconds has elapsed since the last call. SCGI_WORKER_INIT_FUNC() In scgi_worker_init_func(), perform the initialization tasks each worker needs to perform independently of the master. For example, open unique database connections for each worker in scgi_worker_init_func(). Dombey calls scgi_worker_init_func() after: • the user and group of the server process have been changed to the values specified by the -u and -g command line options. • the standard streams are connected to /dev/null. Therefore errors must be reported with syslog(3). SIGNALS Both libraries need to catch SIGTERM, so do not change the disposition of that signal. The multi-thread library additionally needs to catch SIGUSR1, so do not change the disposition of that signal in multi-thread servers. ACCESS TO REQUEST DATA Inside scgi_request_handler(), use the following library functions to access the environment, the parameters, and cookies. char *scgi_get_env( char * ); char **scgi_get_envs(); char *scgi_get_param( char * ); char **scgi_get_params(); char *scgi_get_cookie( char * ); char **scgi_get_cookies(); scgi_get_env() retrieves the value of one particular SCGI environment variable. Pass the name of the variable as argument, and the function returns that variable's value or NULL if the variable is not defined. scgi_get_envs() returns an array of character pointers listing all the SCGI environment variables and their values with each variable name followed by its value. The array is always terminated with a NULL pointer. scgi_get_param() retrieves the decoded value of one particular SCGI parameter. Pass the name of the parameter as argument, and the function returns that parameter's value or NULL if the parameter is not defined. scgi_get_params() returns an array of character pointers listing all the SCGI parameters and their values with each parameter name followed by its value. The array is always terminated by a NULL pointer. scgi_get_cookie() retrieves the value of one named cookie defined in the the HTTP_COOKIE environment variable. Pass the name of the desired cookie as argument, and the function returns that cookie's value or NULL if the cookie is not set. scgi_get_cookies() returns an array of character pointers listing all the cookies defined in HTTP_COOKIE with each cookie name followed by its value. The array is always terminated by a NULL pointer. In the multi-thread library, on allocation errors, these functions also return NULL. Consult /var/log/messages for error messages to confirm. ACCESS TO UPLOADED FILES Inside scgi_request_handler(), use the following library functions to access files uploaded by the client. char **scgi_get_file( char * ); char **scgi_get_next_file( char **, char * ); char **scgi_get_files(); When processing a POSTed multipart/form-data document, elements of that document with a "filename" parameter are stored in files in the directory specified by the -r option. Files are created with mkstemp(), and filenames begin with the characters "dombey-" so that you may disguish dombey's working files from files your application uses. All files are unlink()ed by dombey when scgi_request_handler() returns. If you want the files to persist, hard link new names to them. scgi_get_file() retrieves the files array entries associated with a particular SCGI parameter. Pass the name of the parameter as argument, and the function returns a pointer to character pointer. Index the returned pointer with 0 to access the client filename. Index the pointer with 1 to access the local filename. Index the pointer with 2 to access the key used to encrypt the file. Index the pointer with 3 to access the iv used to encrypt the file. The last two values are NULL if the file is not encrypted. If these values are not NULL, the key is 32 bytes, and the iv is 16 bytes. Both values may contain zeros. If the user did not select a file to upload for a particular file input, the entry for that input is placed in the params array, and the parameter's value is the empty string. If scgi_get_file() returns NULL for an expected form element, then call scgi_get_param(). If that function returns the empty string, the user did not select a file to upload. If that function returns NULL, the named input was not part of the originating form. For file inputs that have the multiple attribute set, dombey creates more than one entry in the files array with the same name. scgi_get_file() only returns the data for the first file. To access the next file, call scgi_get_next_file() with the address returned by scgi_get_file() and the name of the parameter. To access the remainder of the files, call scgi_get_next_file() with the address it returned on its previous invocation and the name of the parameter. When there are no more entries of the same name, the function returns NULL. scgi_get_files() returns a NULL-terminated array of character pointers listing the parameters of all the files uploaded by the current request. The array consists of groups of 5 adjacent entries for each uploaded file. The first entry of each group is the "name" parameter (the name of the input in the form from which the file was posted). The second entry is the "filename" parameter (the filename on the client machine). The third entry is the filename on the local filesystem where the file has been stored. The fourth entry is the key used to encrypt the file or NULL if the file is not encrypted. The fifth entry is the initialization vector used to encrypt the file or NULL if the file is not encrypted. SCGI_ENCRYPT_FILES() Dombey can encrypt uploaded files with the AES-256 cipher in GCM mode (see the -c option). A random key and initialization vector are generated for each encrypted file. Files are encrypted on the fly with no data reaching storage unencrypted. To enable encryption, call the following function with the argument set to a non-zero value. To disable encryption, set the argument to 0. void scgi_encrypt_files( int on ); SCGI_READ_ENCRYPTED() Read encrypted files with the following function. char *scgi_read_encrypted( int fd, int *len, char *key, char *iv ); First, call the function with fd set to -2 to establish a cipher context. The len argument must point to an int to hold status codes. The key and iv arguments must point to the key and iv values for the file. Next, open the filename with open(2), and call scgi_read_encrypted() with fd set to the open file descriptor. The function returns a pointer to a dynamically allocated array of character data. The length of the data is placed into len. Free the data when you are finished with it. Upon EOF, the function returns NULL with len set to 0. Upon failure, the function returns NULL with len set to -1. An error message is logged with syslog(3). The cipher context is automatically cleaned when an error occurs or when EOF is read. The key and iv arguments can be NULL after the cipher context has been established. If you do not read a file to EOF, call the function with fd set to -1 to clean the cipher context. Calling the function with fd set to -2 also cleans any previously established context. CONVENIENCE FUNCTIONS Use these functions to transform strings: char *scgi_form_encode( char * ); char *scgi_html_escape( char * ); char *scgi_base64_decode( char * ); scgi_form_encode() encodes its argument in x-www-form-urlencoding. scgi_html_escape() replaces occurrences of <, >, and & in its argument with the appropriate HTML entities. scgi_base64_decode() decodes its argument. All three functions return dynamically allocated strings that must be freed by the caller. In the multi-thread server, on allocation failures, these functions return NULL or they fail to completely process their input strings. Consult /var/log/messages for error messages to confirm. In the multi-process library, allocation failures cause the calling worker process to exit. ACCESS TO CONFIGURATION VARIABLES You can examine the following configuration variables from your code, but you must not modify them. See the CONFIGURATION section for more information. char *scgi_hostname; char *scgi_config_file; char *scgi_root_dir; char *scgi_interface; char *scgi_port; char *scgi_user; char *scgi_group; int scgi_max_file; int scgi_max_form; int scgi_max_body scgi_hostname points to the value set by a call to scgi_set_hostname(). scgi_config_file points to the value passed to the -f option. Defaults to NULL. scgi_root_dir points to the value passed to the -r option. Must be explicitly set. scgi_interface points to the value passed to the -i option. Defaults to "". scgi_port points to the value passed as argument to the -p option. Defaults to "4000". scgi_user points to the value passed as argument to the -u option. Defaults to "nobody". scgi_group points to the value passed as argument to the -g option. Defaults to "nobody". scgi_max_file is set to the value of the -e option or its default value. scgi_max_form is set to the value of the -a option or its default value. scgi_max_body is set to the value of the -b option or its default value. LIMITS Dombey stores the information for 25 SCGI environment variables, 50 SCGI parameters (including uploaded files), and 25 cookies. More items provided in a client request are ignored. See the COMMAND-LINE OPTIONS for how to use the -a, -b, and -e options to limit the amount of data clients can submit. THREADED SERVERS On memory allocation errors, the multi-thread library drops connections or fails to competely initialize the files, parameters, or cookies array. Consult /var/log/messages for error messages to confirm. If your code encounters an unrecoverable error call scgi_thread_exit() in the thread with the error. DO NOT call pthread_exit() directly. void scgi_thread_exit(); To create and manage globally-visible data that is unique for each connection use the pthread thread-specific data functions. The following are the minimal set of functions that you need to understand. All are documented in manual pages. pthread_key_create(); pthread_setspecific(); pthread_getspecific(); Each thread maps keys to its thread-specific storage space. • In scgi_init_func(), create your keys with pthread_key_create(). Pass a destructor function to pthread_key_create() to free the space workers associate with keys, or your server will leak memory on thread termination. • In scgi_worker_init_func(), malloc(3) the current thread's thread- specific storage and install it with pthread_setspecific(). • In scgi_request_handler(), retrieve your thread-specific storage with pthread_getspecific(). Put fresh data in your storage as you like in each invocation of scgi_request_handler(). • Release any dynamically allocated storage that is not freed by your keys' destructors before returning from scgi_request_handler(). CONFIGURATION If it is started as root, dombey writes its pidfile into /var/run/. Stop dombey with SIGTERM. Dombey stops gracefully. Idle workers exit immediately. Workers with established connections exit after established connections close. To kill a server outright, send it a SIGKILL. A sample control script, dombey.rcfile, is provided in the dombey distribution. To use the script, replace all occurrences of "dombey" with the value that you pass to scgi_set_name(). Rename the script to the same value. Install the script in /usr/local/etc/rc.d. Add the following variables to /etc/rc.conf. Substitute your server's name for "dombey". dombey_enable="YES" dombey_flags="-u www -g www -r /usr/local/dombey" If the "enable" variable is set to "YES", the server is started at system start. Use the following control commands. service dombey start service dombey stop service dombey restart service dombey status If you do not want the server started on system start, then set dombey_enable="NO" Use the following control commands. service dombey onestart service dombey onestop service dombey onerestart service dombey onestatus DEBUGGING To debug a server, compile it with the -g and -O0 compiler options. With the debugger, invoke the server with dombey's -x option. This forces the server to run as a single-thread foreground process. You must use -x option regardless of the concurrency type of the server. If you suspect a library bug exists, compile the dombey source to object files with symbol information with "make debug". The object files can be included in your projects to allow you to trace the dombey function calls. COMMAND-LINE OPTIONS The following command-line options are recognized by dombey servers. The -r option is mandatory. -r Use the -r option to specify the absolute path to the server root directory. Dombey chdir(2)s here. POSTed files are stored in this directory. -l By default, dombey listens on all interfaces it can find capable of IPv4 or IPv6. The -l option instructs dombey to listen on a UNIX- domain socket instead. Specify the path to the socket as argument. The server creates the socket when it starts, unlinking it first if it already exists in the filesystem. The owner and group of the socket are changed to the values of the -u and -g options. The permisssions of the socket are set to srwxrwx---. -p The -p option specifies the port to listen on. This defaults to 4000. To bind to a port lower than 1024, the server must be started as root. -i By default, dombey accepts connections on all interfaces it can find capable of IPv4 or IPv6. The -i option limits dombey to accepting connections from a specified interface. Pass the IP address of the desired interface as argument. -n The -n options specifies the number of idle workers the master attempts to keep ready. The value defaults to 5. Dombey actually allows the number of idle workers to reach half this value before it creates more. -m The -m option specifies the maximum number of workers which can run at any time. The value defaults to 25. This value is the maximum number of simultaneous connections a server can accept. The value specified must be equal to or greater than the value specified for -n. -q The -q option specifies the backlog of client connections queued by the OS kernel for the server to subsequently service. This value defaults to 1024. The kernel actually uses a queue of 1.5 times the size of the specified value. Connections arriving when the queue is full are dropped by the kernel. Libdombey does not le you set this value to less than 1024. -a The -a option specifies the maximum number of parameters accepted in a multipart/form-data POST request. By default, dombey accepts up to 50 parameters in a GET or a POST request. More items are silently discarded. Use -a to lower this parameter for multipart/form-data POSTs. You cannot set the parameter to a value greater than 50 or less than 1. -b The -b option specifies a maximum acceptable data size in bytes. This value defaults to 10000. • For GET requests this value is ignored. We rely on the web server to limit the length of request lines. • For POST requests that are encoded with x-www-form-urlencoding, this value is the maximum size of request bodies. Connections are dropped without explanantion when CONTENT_LENGTH exceeds this value. • For POST requests that are multipart/form-data documents, this value specifies the maximum size of each non-file entity in in the POST. -e The -e option specifies the maximum acceptable size in bytes of files uploaded in multipart/form-data POSTS. This value defaults to 2000000. Connections attempting to upload a file larger than this are assumed to be malicious and are dropped without explanation. Setting this parameter to 0 causes dombey to drop connections that submit files in POSTS. -u -g The -u and the -g options specify the user and group of the server. Both values default to "nobody". To change user, the server must be started as root. -c Previous versions of the library used CBC mode when encrypting files. If you want to continue to use CBC mode, add the -c option to your server's command line. -x This option is useful when debugging servers. The -x option prevents dombey from becoming a daemon and creating multiple workers. Servers run as single thread iterative servers. -f The -f option specifies a filename as argument. Dombey assigns it to the global character pointer named scgi_config_file. This enables the code in scgi_init_func() and scgi_worker_init_func() to read a configuration file. AUTHORS James Bailie ⟨⟩ Tue Dec 5, 2023