nellie(1) FreeBSD General Commands Manual nellie(1) NAME nellie – Screenplay Formatter for FreeBSD and MacOS SYNOPSIS nellie [-a] [-s] [-n] [-o] [-b] [-t] [-i] [-d ] [-c | -e] [ []] DESCRIPTION Nellie converts a marked-up text document into a formatted screenplay expressed as a PDF or an ePub. Nellie reads from stdin or from a single file specified on the command line and writes to stdout or to another file specified on the command line. To specify an output file without an input file, specify an input file of '-'. If the input document is malformed, nellie exits without explanation. Nellie expects its input stream to be encoded as UTF-8. Nellie embeds an open source courier typeface into PDFs. Nellie's PDFs render the Unicode character sets that the fonts support. These are sufficient to support European languages that use alphabets derived from the Latin alphabet. OPTIONS -a causes nellie to creates PDFs for A4 size paper. By default, nellie creates PDFs for US Letter size paper. -s Suppresses the adding of (CONT'D) to non-pagebreak character cues. -n turns on scene numbering. -o Turns off emboldening of act headings and title pages for PDFs only. -b Turns off emboldening of scene headings for PDFs only. -t Turns off emboldening of shot headings for PDFs only. -d specifies a list of scenes to include in the output. By default all scenes are included. If present on the command line , -d must be followed by a list of scene numbers or scene number ranges separated by commas: nellie -d 2-10,23,30,53-55 The first number of a range must be less than or equal to the second number. Items in the list do not have to be in document order. The specified scenes are always output in document order. If you specify scenes more than once explicitly or in overlapping ranges, the duplicate scenes are ignored. -e causes nellie to convert TSML input into an ebook hierarchy in a directory named "ebook" that is a sub-directory of the current directory or a sub-directory of the directory specified by the second command line argument. -i causes nellie to add markup for cover images in EPUBS. See the section titled EPUB for details. -c causes nellie to produce TSML output from Nellie's markup language input. When -c is present on the command line, the -d option is ignored. TSML Nellie understands Tree Structure Markup Language. TSML is a generic markup language described in tsml(5). TSML is designed to be machine- friendly rather than human-friendly. Nellie uses a simple TMSL scheme to classify paragraphs by type and to define document metadata. As a convenience, Nellie also converts a human-friendly markup language into TSML (the -c option). See the section of this manual titled MARKUP LANGUAGE for details. A example TSML screenplay follows. [y[ [m[ [t[ TITLE 1;;TITLE 2 ]] [a[ Author 1; Author 2 ]] [c[ Contact 1; Contact 2 ]] [r[ Revision 1; Revision 2 ]] [w[ Watermark1; Watermark 2 ]] ]m] [v[ ACT 1 ]] [s[ INT. DINER. ]] [a[ Our hero eats a cheeseburger. ]] [a[ A man nearby talks to a salt cellar. ]] [c[ MAN ]] [p[ (with affection) ]] [d[ You make lunch worth eating. Where can I find such magnificent food enhancing magic as you? ]] [i[ This is an indented dialogue paragraph. ]] ]y] ELEMENTS All elements have names of a single letter. The toplevel element is named ´y'. It contains one or more instances of the following child elements. 'm' Nellie extracts from the children of the 'm' element the data to use in the screenplay's title page and in the PDF Info dictionary. To specify that the text in these elements be formatted into multiple lines, separate the data for each line from the others with a semicolon. To insert a blank line between lines, insert 2 contiguous semicolons. To insert a semicolon into the data, insert a tilde '~' instead. It will be replaced with a semicolon by the formatter. [t[Title;;Subtitle]] 't' specifies the title of the screenplay. Titles are formatted in boldface. 'a' specifies the authors. If you want a 'By' line, add it yourself to the beginning of the authors. 'c' specifies contact information. All occurrences of the 3 characters "(C)" are replaced with the copyright symbol. 'r' specifies revision information. To insert the current date, make one of the revision lines $D by itself. To insert the manuscript word count, start one of the revision lines with $W. If you use $W by itself, the word count will be followed with "WORDS" in English. If you prefer a different text, follow $W with the desired text. To insert the page count, start one of the revision lines with $P. If you use $P by itself, the page count will be followed with "PAGES" in English. If you prefer a different text, follow $P with the desired text. 'w' specifies watermark text to be added underneath the text on each page. All occurrences of the 3 characters "(C)" are replaced with the copyright symbol. The specified lines are centered, rotated left, and rendered at 60 points with 90% opacity. The watermark is not a PDF annotation and cannot be removed or edited by tools that operate on annotations. 'l' specifies the language of the input document as a BCP 47 country code. Nellie only accesses this element when generating ebooks. The value defaults to 'en' (English). 'y' specifies a copyright message to be added to the title pages of epubs. It should contain the year, a comma, and the name of the copyright owner. You can include an email address or web URL after another comma, but beware that all text is formatted onto a single line. Nellie will precede the copyright information with the text ' Copyright' and the c-in-circle copyright symbol. If the 'y' element is missing from the metadata, no copyright message is added to epubs. The 'm' element should only appear once in a document. If you provide multiple instances, each instance's data supersedes the data in preceding instances. The 5 child elements should only appear once each inside 'm'. If you provide multiple instances, the data in each instance supersedes data the data in preceding instances. If you do not provide the 't', 'a', ´c', or 'r' elements, placeholder data is used. Watermarks are optional. 'v' provides the content of a centered, boldface heading line separated from the rest of the screenplay with a blank line before and after the centered line. The 'v' element is intended for use in creating act headings, but you can place any content that you like in these elements. If the content of a 'v' element wraps onto multiple lines, nellie discards all lines after the first. Nellie pushes 'v' headings to new pages. 'e' provides the content of a centered, boldface heading separated from the rest of the screenplay with a blank line before and after the centered line, but 'e' elements are not widow-controlled. The 'e' element is intended for use in creating 'The End' markers at the end of screenplays. End markers are useful because screenplays do not describe the page total in title pages or page headers. If the content of an 'e' element wraps onto multiple lines, nellie discards all lines after the first. 's' provides the content of a scene heading. Nellie formats Scene headings in boldface. To add scene numbers, include the -n option on the command line. 'o' provides the content of a shot heading. Shot headings are formatted similarly to scene headings. When scene numbers are turned on, shots are lettered. (eg., 2A). When the -d option provides a scene list, shots are considered to be part of the scene started by the preceding scene heading. 'a' provides the content of an action paragraph. To force line breaks in any non-metadata paragraph, insert the bar '|' character. 'c' provides the content of a character cue that introduces a centered dialogue block. 'f' provides the content of a character cue that introduces a left- aligned dialogue block. 'r' provides the content of a character cue that introduces a right- aligned dialogue block. 'p' provides the content of a parenthetical direction for dialogue. You must provide the parentheses characters in the content. Parentheticals cannot appear inside other elements. To place a parenthetical inside a paragraph of dialog, break up the dialogue into 2 paragraphs: [c[JAMES]] [p[(to Calvin)]] [d[I don't know if I trust you.]] [p[(to himself)]] [d[I know I don't.]] 'd' provides the content of a dialogue paragraph. Elements with only whitespace data are ignored. 'i' provides the content of an indented dialogue paragraph. Insert one or more whitespace characters in the data to create a blank line in dialog blocks. 'l' provides the content of a lyric line. The line is rendered in italic. If the line is long enough to be wrapped by the formatter, the paragraph formed has a hanging indent. 't' provides the content of a transition directive. CONTENT Nellie discards data outside of terminal elements. You can place comments in between terminal elements. Inside of terminal elements, nellie normalizes whitespace by converting all whitespace characters into space characters, collapsing multiple contiguous spaces into single spaces, and removing leading and trailing spaces. Nellie underlines words bookended with underscores. If you want to underline a section of text, you must _underline_ _each_ _word_ _individually_. _Underline_-_each_-_word_-_in_-_a_-hyphenate._ You cannot underline metadata for the title page. Nellie automatically renders Act, End, and Scene headings in bold and lyric lines in italics. Nellie provides no means for you to change the font. To emphasize words, underline them. To insert [, ], or \ into element content, escape each with a backslash: [a[He looks up. \[At what?\]]] To indicate elision at the front of words, use a backtick: in the `hood. In PDFs, the backtick is replaced with a typewriter apostrophe. In EPUBs, the backtick is replaced with a single typographical apostrophe. Non-ASCII characters can be entered as ASCII backslash escape sequences. To insert the following escape sequences into TSML elements, escape the backslash with another backslash: \\'e. You do not have to do this in the human-friendly markup language. \' followed by an upper or lowercase vowel inserts the utf-8 character sequence for that vowel with an acute accent. \` inserts grave-accented vowels. \^ inserts circumflex-accented vowels. \: inserts diaresis/trema/umlaut-accented vowels and upper and lowercase Ys. \~ inserts only upper and lowercase Ns with tildes. \, inserts only upper and lowercase Cs with cedillas. \u followed by a decimal number inserts a Unicode character by code point. If the code point is immediately followed by digits that are part of the document text, those digits must be represented by \u escapes, or the digits will be interpreted as part of the code point. MARKUP LANGUAGE As a convenience for humans, Nellie converts a minimal human-friendly markup language into TSML. The markup language is derived from the Fountain markup language but is not entirely compatible with Fountain. A separate text file describes the markup language in more detail than this manual does. Nellie.txt is installed in /usr/local/share/nellie. Fountain is described at 1. Nellie does not recognize boneyard text, synopses, or outlines. 2. Nellie recognizes and removes Fountain notes that comprise entire paragraphs. To be recognized as notes, paragraphs must start with '[[' and end with ']]'. Multiple paragraphs of text may be embedded in a single note "paragraph": [[Multi-paragraph note. Second paragraph of note.]] 3. Nellie does not respect explicit line breaks in any paragraph type except in title page data. All contiguous body text lines are wrapped into ragged-right paragraphs. To force a line break in any body paragraph, insert the bar '|' character where you want the break to occur. 4. Nellie converts a Fountain title page block into an 'm' element. Draft Date: is converted into an 'r' metadata element. Title: is converted into a 't' element. Author: is converted into an 'a' element Contact: is converted into a 'c' element Watermark: is converted into a 'w' element. Copyright: is converted into a 'y' element. Language: is converted into an 'l' element. 5. If scene headings do not start with INT. or EXT., they must start with '.' to force their recognition. Nellie converts any lowercase letters to uppercase. Scene numbers are removed. Nellie generates scene numbers when the -n option is present on the command line. 6. Shot headings are introducted with a colon ':'. Shot headings are formatted identically to scene headings, but shot headings are considered to be part of the current scene. This affects scene lists (the -d option), and it causes shot headings to participate in orphan control. Shot headings are lettered if scene numbers are turned on (the -n option). 7. If character cues contain characters other than uppercase letters, digits, and spaces, the cues must start with '@' to force their recognition. All characters after the initial '@' (including '@') appear literally in the cue. A dialogue block may be optionally left- or right-aligned. A cue that starts with '-' starts a left-aligned block. A cue that starts with '+' starts a right-aligned block. All characters after the initial '+' or '-' (including '-' or '+') appear literally in the cue. 8. If transitions contain characters other than uppercase letters, digits, spaces, and colons, or if the transitions do not end with ' TO:', the transitions must begin with '>' to force their recognition. 9. To force the recognition of action paragraphs that resemble other paragraph types, add a '!' to the start of the action paragraphs. 10. To force the dialogue of dialogue paragraphs that resemble other paragraph types, add a space character to the start of the dialogue paragraphs. 11. To indent a new paragraph in a dialog block, start a new line in the block with '&'. Leave the line empty after the '&' to insert a blank line. To insert an unindented paragraph after a blank line, start a new line with '$'. 12. To insert an italic line of lyric text into a dialogue block, start a new line in the block with '~'. 13. Centered lines are converted to 'v' elements unless the text of the lines begins with "END", in which case the lines are converted to 'e' elements. 14. Act, End, and Scene headings, transitions, character cues, and parentheticals must appear complete on single input lines. After wrapping, Scene headings, character cues, and parentheticals are limited to 10 output lines. Act and End headings and Transitions are limited to 1 line. Excess lines are discarded. The process of producing a PDF file from a markup file can be automated with a Makefile: all: view .PHONY: view view: screenplay.pdf open -a screenplay.pdf screenplay.pdf: screenplay.tsml nellie screenplay.tsml screenplay.pdf screenplay.tsml: screenplay.txt nellie -c screenplay.txt screenplay.tsml EPUB If you use -i, you must manually copy two PNG images into the ebook/OEBPS directory. The first image file must be named cover1.png. This is the external cover image. I suggest that you create an image of 2560px height by 1600px width. The second image must be named cover2.png and contain no more than 4 megapixels. Note that this limit is specified in pixels not bytes. The internal image should be a scaled-down version of the external image. I suggest that you create an image of 1600px height by 1000px width. Zip up the ebook directory to form an EPUB document: cd ebook zip -X ../screenplay.epub mimetype zip -r ../screenplay.epub META-INF OEBPS cd .. rm -r ebook The process of converting a markup file into TSML and then into an ebook can be automated with a Makefile: all: screenplay.epub screenplay.epub: screenplay.tsml nellie -e screenplay.tsml cd ebook && zip -X ../screenplay.epub mimetype && zip -r ../screenplay.epub META-INF OEBPS rm -r ebook screenplay.tsml: screenplay.txt nellie -c screenplay.txt screenplay.tsml AUTHORS James Bailie ⟨⟩ Fri Dec 8, 2023